Social support and its relationship to psychological stress among the first-class clubs footballers
- measure - method - community - constructionAbstract
The research aims at :
1- Building a measure of social support for players of the first-class football clubs.
The researcher hypothesized that there is a correlation between social support and psychological stress. The researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method and correlational relationships to suit the nature of the research. The research community included clubs for the sports season (2023-2024), with (207) players representing (10) clubs. The research procedures were implemented on them as a sample for construction. and application. The construction sample included (145) players. The scales of social support and psychological stress were distributed to them in their initial form. Then, (7) players were excluded for participating in the exploratory experiment, while (7) players' questionnaire forms were excluded for their incorrect answers on the scale, and (128) correct answers were approved for the two scales. As for the application sample, it consisted of (62) players.