Publication Instructions in the Sports Culture Journal:

The authors should be structured according to the following:

  1. The research title should be centered on the page. The researcher's name(s) should be written below the title, also centered on the page, along with their academic titles, workplace, official email, and mobile phone number. Additionally, include the research keywords in both Arabic and English, with a minimum of five words.
  2. The research abstract should be presented in both Arabic and English, with a maximum of 150 words for each language.
  3.  The font used in the English language is "Times New Roman," with a line spacing of 1.15 and a font size of 14.
  4. The font used in the Arabic language is "Simplified Arabic."
  5. The margin measurements are as follows: top (3 cm), bottom (3 cm), right (3 cm), and left (3 cm).
  6. It is preferred to cite at least five sources from research published in the Journal of Sports Culture using the (Google Scholar) research engine.
  7. If the research is taken from a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation, the researcher's first name should be used.
  8. The research should be submitted electronically as a single copy through the following link: 
  9. Sources in the research should be cited in (APA) format in the text as follows: (Author's name, year of publication, page number).
  10. Publication fees are 100,000 for a 20-page research, and an additional 10,000 for each extra page.
  11. The research is subject to plagiarism detection by the college, and a fee of 15,000 must be paid for plagiarism checking for the university financial affairs unit .
  12. Publication fees, additional pages, and plagiarism checking fees are to be paid when submitting the research directly, and the publication fees should be recorded with an official receipt. The researcher does not have the right to request a refund of the amount even if the research is rejected.
  13. The research body should follow this sequence:
  1. Introduction, which includes:
    1. Research introduction and its importance.
    2. Research problem.
    3. Research objectives.
    4. Research hypotheses.
    5. Research scope.
    6. Terminology (if applicable).
  1. Theoretical and related studies, including:
    1. Theoretical studies.
    2. Related studies (if applicable).
  1. Research methodology, which includes:
    1. Research methodology.
    2. Research sample.
    3. Field research procedures.
    4. Statistical analysis.
  1. Results and discussion.
  2. Conclusions and recommendations, including:
    1. Conclusions.
    2. Recommendations.
  1. Citation of Arabic and foreign sources: List the full name of the author in alphabetical order, followed by the book title (underlined), edition, volume, city of publication, publishing house, and year.

Note: In the "References" page at the end of the research, Arabic sources should be translated into both Arabic and English. If the sources are in English, they should remain as they are.

  1. The number of pages should not exceed 20 pages under any circumstances, with a maximum limit of 25 pages. The paper should be in A4 size, following the standard measurements, which are 24 lines per page, with an average of 12 words per line. The font sizes should be as follows:
    1. Main title: 14 bold.
    2. Subtitles: 14.
    3. Body text: 14.
    4. Margins: 12.
  1. The researcher must make the revisions suggested by the reviewers on their research within a maximum period of one week.
  2. To avoid any misunderstanding between the journal editors  and the researcher, please ensure compliance with all the rules mentioned above. Failure to do so may result in the journal decline the research.