A comparative study for functional response of the respiratory system according to the energy systems of tennis players

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Basil Abdulsattar Ahmed
Alaa Khalaf Haider
Iqbal Ammar Lafta


In the introduction the researchers touched on the progress made in the athletic level and the importance of practicing sports, due to the great role in achieving the desired goal in relation to the general health of the individual and society, or what is related to the sport of high achievement, which is a reflection of the changes and functional responses that occur in the internal organs of the body. The research aims to know the functional response of the respiratory system and compare it with the training units according to the energy systems of the tennis players, the researchers used the descriptive approach, the sample consisted of (12) players, team of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Diyala, they were divided into (3) groups, The researchers concluded that there is a discrepancy between the three groups in the functional response according to the energy systems.

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How to Cite
Abdulsattar Ahmed , B., Khalaf Haider , A., & Ammar Lafta , I. (2023). A comparative study for functional response of the respiratory system according to the energy systems of tennis players. Sports Culture, 124–138. Retrieved from http://jsc.tu.edu.iq/index.php/jsc/article/view/337