The impact of skill exercises incorporated into the combined training method in the development of special physical abilities and Endurance performance tolerance for futsal players

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Liza Rostum Jacob
Iqbal Abdul Hussein Nama
Huda Badawi Shibeeb


Physical requirements are an important priority for the development of football gymnastics coaches because the nature of performance is interconnected and interconnected in terms of the player's duties in the match. In the gameplay situations, the player must perform the skill with strength and speed coupled with accuracy and the reactions of the colleague and competitor alike, which represents the normal reality of the football gymnasium Skilled exercises are one of the most suitable technical side exercises as they are built according to the components of the skill requirements of the game and the nature of its performance, which appear on the ground in the form of motor sentences represented by the series of skilled performance, So integration in the physical and skill aspects is one of the most important qualities of the player and the successful team that achieves achievements The preparation of trainings by integrating the two sides together provides an ideal training environment to meet the actual performance requirements and integrates the player's physical and skill requirements.

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How to Cite
Rostum Jacob, L., Abdul Hussein Nama, I., & Badawi Shibeeb , H. (2023). The impact of skill exercises incorporated into the combined training method in the development of special physical abilities and Endurance performance tolerance for futsal players. Sports Culture, 258–267. Retrieved from