Using rope jumping exercises and its effect on some physical abilities and physiological indicators among the deaf group

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Suzen Khalifa Judi
Afaq Al-Shihawe Mamluk
Alaa Khalaf Haider


Rope jumping exercises are one of the good forms of physical exercise that can achieve many benefits in terms of cardiovascular health, motor ability, and physical fitness. In addition, these exercises are considered recreational activities that have a thrill factor, and the deaf group is one of the groups that needs recreational programs. To instill a spirit of excitement in order to improve some physical abilities and to know the physiological indicators among the deaf group. The most important conclusions were that the rope jumping exercise program showed an improvement in the physical abilities and (VO2Max) of the research sample.

In light of the results reached by the researchers, the following:

• The need for those involved in the training process to pay attention to using the jump rope exercise to improve the efficiency of the respiratory system.

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How to Cite
Khalifa Judi, S., Mamluk, A. A.-S., & Khalaf Haider , A. (2023). Using rope jumping exercises and its effect on some physical abilities and physiological indicators among the deaf group. Sports Culture, 354–361. Retrieved from